Barco's F50 is a compact and ruggedized projector that brings increased brightness, higher resolution (WQXGA – 2560x1600) and high frame rates (120 Hz) to a wide range of use cases in the training and simulation market. Optimized for motion platform systems and warranted for 24/7 use, the F50 excels in reliability and versatility.
Featuring smear reduction technology, 3D Active Stereo, and the highest fill-factor any projector can offer, Barco’s F50 delivers smooth and razor-sharp images at eye-limiting resolutions. Furthermore, with its unmatched optical performance and wide focus depth, this projector is a perfect choice for complex, multi-channel projection on non-flat surfaces. The wide range of interchangeable high-performance all-glass lenses also delivers image sharpness and depth with high ANSI contrast.
Compact, rugged, and equipped with advanced optical locking systems to ensure flawless image quality and stability, the F50 is designed for use on motion platform installations – including compact domes and cockpit simulators. On top of that, the F50 can be tailored to specific training and simulation applications through a selected range of options. Moreover, the total cost of ownership (TCO) has been reduced to a minimum, thanks to the unmatched reliability of the DLP technology and the extended service and maintenance intervals made possible by the use of sealed optics and a filter-free design.